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 The Exceptional Desk of          Hiram Dorado 

This is the list of Hiram's published books and/or finished manuscripts. The estimated time for the next publishing work it is also annotated. You can follow me in Amazon by pressing the using the amazon link that is also provided below. 


A.  Passion .....................................................(published / out of print)

B.  Discipline & Grace ...................................(published / out of print)

C.  The Midnight Hour ..................................(published / out of print)

D.  Ocurrencias de un viejo ..........................(published)

E.  Poesias e ideas de un viejo......................(published)

F.   La espiritualidad de un viejo....................(published)

G.  Disciplina & Gracia ..................................(published)

H.  La Hora mas Obscura ..............................(published)

I.    The Darkest Hour .....................................(published)

J.   Exceso de Equipaje...................................(published)

K.  Memorias de un Miserable ......................(published)

L.   Relaciones .................................................(published)   



The following list are manuscripts that will be published in the future:


M.  Pasion (Spanish version) 

N.  Passion (English version)

O.  Conspiraciones de la mente (Spanish)

P.   Una flor Hermosa (Spanish - mas poemas)

Q.  Un Amor Prohibido (Spanish novel)   

R.   The Cost of Leadership 

S.   Path of the Sojourner 

T.   Conspiracies of the Mind 

U.   Poems of a Contemplative Mind) 



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